Solutions to win: charity auction in Ternopil region raises over ₴250,000 for Ukraine’s armed forces

In Chortkiv, a city in the Ternopil region, a charity auction raised over 250,000 hryvnias to support Ukraine's armed forces.

The Chortkiv City Council reported this on Facebook.

What is the solution?

During a charity auction in the Ternopil region, more than ₴250,000 [over $6,000 – ed.] was collected for Ukraine's armed forces.

Photo: Chortkiv City Council

"Over 250,000 hryvnias were collected at the charity auction for 42 brigades. Hundreds of people came to the event, some to watch, and some to compete for a valuable lot," the message reads.

Photo: Chortkiv City Council

Photo: Chortkiv City Council

How does it work?

Several trophies belonging to Ukrainian armed forces soldiers were sold at an auction, including:

  • used artillery and mortar shells,
  • cartridges from sniper rifles,
  • flags signed by military personnel and former Commander of Ukraine's armed forces Valery Zaluzhny,
  • and even a used "Igla" SAM, among other items.

Photo: Chortkiv City Council

Photo: Chortkiv City Council

Photo: Chortkiv City Council

Photo: Chortkiv City Council

Previously, lots were thematically painted by both professional artists and children of the Chortkiv community.

Soldiers from 42 separate mechanized brigade personally presented several lots. A charity auction was explicitly organized to meet their needs, namely purchasing electronic warfare equipment.

Photo: Chortkiv City Council

The tube featuring an image of Chortkiv sold for a whopping 22,000 hryvnias, making it the priciest lot of the auction.

The cheapest – 250 hryvnias – auction participants bought painted small used cartridges.

As a result, the organizers managed to collect 250,200 UAH and 200 US dollars.

Photo: Chortkiv City Council

Photo: Chortkiv City Council

For reference:

As Rubryka reported, UAH 2 million was collected during the half-marathon "Don't stop!" in Lviv. These funds will be used to rehabilitate people affected by the war.

It was also reported that at the charity fair, students of Mukachevo Lyceum No. 10 collected over 48,000 hryvnias for Ukrainian defenders. The students of Mukachevo Lyceum No. 5 supported their initiative and donated 17 thousand hryvnias to support Ukraine's armed forces.

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