Photos, video 14:59 13 May 2024

Ukraine's Security Service thwarts four Russian-planned terror attacks in Kyiv

Photo: Security Service of Ukraine

Counterintelligence of the Security Service of Ukraine prevented four terrorist attacks in the capital. Russian agents had planned to carry them out on May 9, targeting construction hypermarkets and a local café.

The press center of the Security Service of Ukraine reports this.

Based on the available information, the improvised explosive devices were hidden inside tea packages. These devices included:

  • a timer,
  • detonator,
  • and plastic explosives mixed with an incendiary substance, likely intended to start large fires.

Photo: Security Service of Ukraine

Photo: Security Service of Ukraine

According to the plan of the Russian special services, the bombs were supposed to go off during the busiest times at the hypermarkets, intending to inflict the most harm on innocent civilians.

In addition, it was planned to be placed among flammable materials so that a fire could not be extinguished quickly.

Another terrorist attack was supposed to take place near a popular Kyiv cafe. Russian agents wanted to plant explosive devices in a car parked nearby.

Photo: Security Service of Ukraine

Hence, the GRU, formally called the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, aimed to disrupt the stability in Ukraine and convey a message on May 9, a significant day for them, suggesting the existence of so-called partisan Russian group in Kyiv that awaits the establishment of the "Russian world."

"The recent terrorist attacks planned by the Russian special services once again revealed their criminal nature. We worked diligently to anticipate and thwart the enemy's plans in a timely manner. Every move made by these criminals has been carefully documented, and they will be rightfully punished for their actions, like everyone who tries to work for the benefit of the Russian Federation. Symbolically, dates to which the Russians want to time their terrorist attacks are gradually becoming a symbol of the failure of their special services," Vasyl Maliuk, head of Ukraine's Security Service, said.

Photo: Security Service of Ukraine

The counterintelligence of the Security Service of Ukraine established that the curator of the terrorist attacks in the Russian Federation was Yuriy Syzov, an employee of the GRU, who is serving in military unit #92154.

He personally gave instructions to recruited agents and even recorded video instructions for installing an explosive device in one of the stores of the same chain in the Moscow region.

The Security Service of Ukraine monitored his activities for a long time and documented the agency's criminal actions step by step.

In particular, Syzov was also responsible for carrying out sabotage in Ukraine, which was supposed to take place in the Lviv region in February 2024. At that time, the Security Service of Ukraine also acted in anticipation and prevented the explosions.

The Security Service has just disclosed the entire network responsible for the attack, from intelligence and combat units to smugglers who transported explosives from Russian territory. They have also apprehended the individuals directly involved in the terrorist attack, catching them in the act while placing explosive devices in the third hypermarket.

Photo: Security Service of Ukraine

The detainees were notified of the suspicion, in accordance with the crimes they committed, specifically under the following articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

  • Article 111 (treason);
  • Article 113 (sabotage);
  • Article 258 (terrorist act).


They are facing a potential sentence of life imprisonment.

The events were conducted under the procedural guidance of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor's Office.

For reference:

It should be noted that on May 7, the Security Service of Ukraine announced that they foiled the plans of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation to eliminate the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, and other representatives of the state's top military and political leadership.


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