Solutions to win: Ukraine tests multi-functional Makhno ground drones

Ukrainian defense forces conducted tests of multifunctional ground drones Makhno.

Rubryka writes about this, referring to the Telegram of the Defense Forces of the Operational Command South.

What is the problem?

Unmanned systems have played a significant role during the hostilities in Ukraine after the large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in February 2022.

They can replace the soldiers, thus saving their lives. They also take part in demining Ukrainian territory and evacuation of the wounded. Ukraine needs more and more modifications of ground drones.

What is the solution?

Ukrainian defense forces conducted tests of multifunctional ground drones, which received the common name Makhno.

The message read, "The 108th territorial defense brigade successfully tested the ground drones. In the near future, the ground drones will be tested in combat."

Photo: Telegram / Operational Command South

How does it work?

So far, there are six modifications of ground drones:

  • transitory,
  • mine clearance,
  • logistic, for the delivery of provisions, water, ammunition, wood, etc.,
  • evacuation,
  • assault.

Photo: Telegram / Operational Command South

Photo: Telegram / Operational Command South

All the drones have the same name — Makhno. In honor of the legendary Nestor Makhno, who, together with his comrades, famously beat the Bolsheviks in these regions.

Designing, welding, electronics and the necessary programming was done by the soldiers on their own.

Photo: Telegram / Operational Command South

Photo: Telegram / Operational Command South

According to the conviction of a Ukrainian officer with the callsign "Discus," in modern combat conditions, these means are of great importance because they allow servicemembers to secure their lives and successfully perform combat tasks.

Photo: Telegram / Operational Command South

Photo: Telegram / Operational Command South

We will remind that 15-year-old Marko from Ternopil and veterans and reservists organized the production of FPV drones. They assemble up to 30 quadcopters per month, and in the future, they want to put production on a conveyor belt and produce up to a thousand drones.

In addition, students of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute are assembling radio-controlled electronic evacuation vehicles for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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