Drone attack causes devastating fire at Russian oil refinery in Kaluga region

On the night of May 10, unmanned aerial vehicles attacked an oil refinery in the Kaluga region of Russia, causing a fire. Air defense forces and defense mechanisms were also activated in the suburbs of Moscow in response to a drone heading toward the capital of the aggressor country.

Russian media and Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin reported that.

Moscow suburbs

According to Sobyanin, the UAV was allegedly destroyed by air defense in the Podolsk area.

"The air defense forces of the Ministry of Defense repelled an attack by a drone flying to Moscow in the Podolsk district," the mayor of Moscow said in a statement.

He also mentioned no damage or casualties at the site where the wreckage landed. Law enforcement and emergency services are still conducting their work at the location.

"According to preliminary data, there was no damage or injuries at the place where the debris fell. Emergency services specialists are working at the scene," he wrote.

Kaluga region

Local publications reported several loud explosions around 1 a.m. in the Dzerzhinsky district of the region, near the Polotnyany Zavod station. Air defense operations were also reported to be working.

According to eyewitnesses, there were audible sounds of several UAVs flying before fire and smoke were seen at the local oil depot "Pervyy Zavod."

The Russian media reports that the fire at the plant has been controlled and that no injuries have been reported.

Locals say that the workers were evacuated from the refinery around midnight.

LLC "Pervyy Zavod" is the biggest oil refinery in the Kaluga region of Russia. It is the main facility for processing crude oil and natural gas condensate. The plant has a nominal capacity to refine 1.2 million tons of oil annually.

This refinery was already attacked on March 15. It was an operation of Ukraine's intelligence.

Later, Governor Vladyslav Shapsha of the Kaluga region announced that a fire had occurred tonight due to a UAV crashing on the company's premises in the Dzerzhinsky district. Emergency units were sent to put out the fire.

"At the moment, the fire has been extinguished. According to preliminary data, there are no victims. The amount of damage to the enterprise's infrastructure is being assessed," he said.

For reference:

It was reported on May 9 that a drone attack had taken place at the Russian oil refinery, "Salavatnaftoorgsintez," located in Bashkiria. The local authorities have confirmed that there were no casualties. Furthermore, it is believed that despite the attack, the company is still operating normally.

On the evening of May 9, there was an explosion in the Krasnodar region of Russia caused by a drone attack on a nearby oil depot. It was later discovered that drones from the Ukrainian Security Service had targeted two other oil depots in the Krasnodar area.

The General Staff of the Krasnodar territory said that during the attack, about six Ukrainian drones were shot down, but some of them fell on the object. The mass media, concerning eyewitnesses, write about the attack by seven drones.

As a result of large-scale attacks on refineries, Russia has run out of gasoline.

Russian oil refining fell to a minimum in the last 11 months.

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