The owner of SpaceX company, Elon Musk, announced the day before that the devices had not been sold to Russia.

According to the Pentagon, they prevented the Russian military's unauthorized usage of Starlink Internet terminals, operated by Elon Musk's SpaceX, on the battlefield in the war with Ukraine.

The head of the US Ministry of Defense space policy department, John Plum, said this in an interview with Bloomberg.

As Plum noted, the United States "actively cooperated with the government of Ukraine and the SpaceX company to counter Russia's illegal use of Starlink terminals."

"As of now, we are successfully countering Russian use, but I am sure that Russia will continue to try to find ways to use Starlink and other commercial communication systems," the head of the space policy department emphasized.

The Pentagon official declined to specify what tactics, methods, or procedures are being used to end Russia's use of Starlink terminals. However, he assured us that we were discussing "good solutions" that had been found together with Starlink and Ukraine.

For reference:

The American publication Defense One recently reported that the Russians have started using Elon Musk's SpaceX company's Starlink terminals at their locations. According to an undisclosed source from the publication, Ukrainian forces were the first to notice Russia using satellite communication on the front lines a few months back.

Subsequently, Ukraine's intelligence confirmed the Russian invaders' use of Starlink satellite communication systems at the front. As the intelligence officers noted, the radio interception of the occupiers' conversation indicates the installation of Starlink terminals, for example, in the units of the 83rd Separate Assault Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, which operate in the Donetsk region near Klishchiivka and Andriivka.

The owner of SpaceX company, Elon Musk, announced that the devices had not been sold to Russia.

"Several false news claims that SpaceX is selling Starlink terminals to Russia. This is categorically false. As far as we know, Starlinks have not been sold directly or indirectly to Russia," Musk said.

Ukraine's armed forces are currently working on neutralizing the Starlink threat at the front. In addition, Ukraine's intelligence added that the Russian military illegally obtains Starlink satellite terminals from third countries and increases their use on the front line with Ukraine.

Russian occupiers purchase Starlink satellite Internet terminals in Arab countries, and the cost of one is 200,000 rubles.

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