
Putin orders nuclear weapons training in response to Western “provocations”

The Russian Ministry of Defense has declared that, following orders from their leader, Vladimir Putin, the country will soon undergo training for the utilization of non-strategic nuclear arms.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that on Telegram.

"By order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, to increase the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions, the General Staff has begun preparations for conducting exercises with missile units of the Southern Military District soon with the involvement of aviation and the forces of the Navy."

The military of the Russian Federation informed that during the training, a set of measures will be implemented to practice the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons.

Also, the Russian Federation military says that the exercises are apparently needed to respond "to provocative statements and threats of certain Western officials against the Russian Federation."

For reference:

It is essential to mention that in March of last year, the Russian leader Vladimir Putin stated that he had reached an agreement with self-proclaimed Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko to station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. Concurrently, the Kremlin leader mentioned the potential transfer of the Iskander missile system, capable of carrying nuclear arms, to the Belarusian military.

Already on May 25, Lukashenko announced the beginning of the transfer of Russian nuclear weapons to Belarus. Neither Western countries nor Belarusian monitoring channels confirmed such information.

One month later, CNN reported, citing unnamed representatives from American intelligence, that the United States had no doubts about transferring the initial supply of Russian nuclear weapons to Belarus.

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