Ukraine's FM Dmytro Kuleba / Facebook
The press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine reports this.
The minister stressed that the revanchist anti-European dictatorship of Russia, which aims to disrupt peace on the continent, can only be deterred by strengthening the defense capabilities through collaborative efforts in the defense industry.
"If we want to preserve peace in Europe, we must move to a European wartime economy and industry. Only in this way can we restrain Russian aggression by demonstrating that Europe has the means for self-defense. A common defense and industrial space will help overcome existing problems. No country can help Ukraine and protect Europe alone. We can achieve this only through collective efforts," Dmytro Kuleba emphasized.
In addition, the head of the Ukrainian foreign policy department noted that the success of the development of the European defense industry depends on three components:
Dmytro Kuleba separately noted that many bold steps have already been taken to awaken Europe and turn it into a genuinely global player; at the same time, even more steps must be taken to enable Ukraine's victory over Russian aggression and long-lasting, well-protected peace throughout Europe.
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