What’s Going On

Female drone control unit and PARASOL trench electronic warfare: five leading solutions of the week

Every Saturday, Rubryka offers a short digest of the TOP-5 solutions of the week that bring Ukraine closer to victory:

✈️ A charity jewelry collection was created from the wreckage of the destroyed Mriya plane. All proceeds from the Dream Revenge collection sale will go to help the Ukrainian intelligence office.

👩🏻 In Ukraine, a volunteer female drone management unit is being formed. Recruitment will be through competitive selection and open to women over 18.

👏Ukraine has developed a PARASOL trench electronic warfare device. The developer has two modifications of EW: one protects positions from Russian drones, and the other — equipment.

🇮🇸 The Parliament of Iceland adopted a resolution on long-term support for Ukraine from 2024 to 2028. It aims to support independence, borders, civilian security, humanitarian aid, and reconstruction.

💻 The IT coalition led by Estonia and Luxembourg handed over €900,000 worth of communication equipment to the Ukrainian army. Laptops, monitors, etc., will be delivered to units in the near future.

Follow the first solutions media outlet Rubryka – let's bring victory closer together!

Опубліковано автором
Богдан Петришин
Теги: International politics Events Solution Society

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