Russia prepares strategic plan for capture of Kharkiv and Sumy – Ukraine’s armed forces

The Russians really have a plan for the possible capture of two cities – Kharkiv and Sumy. However, the Ukrainian military is unsure of the seriousness of these plans.

Lieutenant General Oleksandr Pavliuk, commander of Ukraine's ground forces, said this in an interview with The Times.

"Our special services say that the Russians really have a plan to take Kharkiv or Sumy, but we do not know how serious these plans are and whether they are capable of implementing them with the forces they have at their disposal," he said.

Pavliuk stated that Russia's main goal is to destroy Ukraine as a nation. He believes that the Russians have plans to take control of not just Donetsk and Luhansk regions but also Zaporizhzhia.

"However, as we have not provided them with this opportunity since 2022, we believe that the objectives the Russians have set for themselves this year are to occupy the Donetsk and Luhansk regions fully and, if achieved, the Zaporizhzhia region," said the commander of the ground forces troops.

For reference:

In recent weeks, information appeared on the Internet that the Russian occupiers were allegedly preparing a new offensive on Kharkiv and Sumy. In Ukraine, it was emphasized that even if the Russians have such plans, they are unlikely to be able to implement them.

In addition, ISW notes that the Kremlin has intensified strikes and information operations against the residents of Kharkiv to persuade Ukrainians to flee the city and relocate millions of people within the country.

According to Oleh Synehubov, the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, the Russian army is dropping 10 to 15 guided aerial bombs daily in the Kharkiv region and employing novel types of ammunition.

According to Vadym Skibitskyi, a representative from Ukraine's intelligence agency, there are concerns that Russia is planning to launch an attack on the Kharkiv and Sumy regions in either late May or early June.

According to him, the Russian army does not have the strength to capture two large cities in the east of Ukraine.

According to Kyrylo Budanov, the head of Ukraine's intelligence agency, the country is facing a challenging period. He made a new prediction for the country's future development.

He stated that Ukraine will encounter a challenging situation from mid-May to early June, but it won't be catastrophic.

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