Photo: Ministry of Culture and Information Policy
The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy reports this.
"Now, along with Ukraine, the entire civilized world, which upholds international law and celebrates our country's victory, as well as the establishment of justice not only in defending territorial independence but also in respecting the legality of cultural transfer. We are grateful to everyone who has joined us in bringing back Ukrainian cultural heritage and to all those who contribute to the prosperity of our country," the acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, Rostyslav Karandeev, said.
Photo: Ministry of Culture and Information Policy
The head of the ministry emphasized that Ukraine highly values the support of the Estonian people. Estonia is helping restore facilities in the Zhytomyr region, which Estonian colleagues actually patronized. In addition, in the first months of the full-scale war, Estonia sent cargoes with everything necessary for Ukrainian museums—equipment and packing materials for the evacuation of cultural values.
Photo: Ministry of Culture and Information Policy
"Estonia supported, supports, and will support Ukraine in all directions – political, economic, military, as long as it is needed. Today, I am very pleased to observe our closer cooperation in the cultural sphere despite the ongoing war. Today is a historic day. After all, the artifacts belonging to Ukraine have finally returned home. These artifacts are evidence of Ukrainian culture and identity and are Ukrainian heritage," Vahur Soosaar, Deputy Head of the Estonian Diplomatic Mission in Ukraine, said.
Photo: Ministry of Culture and Information Policy
The returned objects are:
Photo: Ministry of Culture and Information Policy
"Estonia has returned a collection to Ukraine that covers a thousand years of Ukraine's history. We are extremely grateful for this," Fedir Androschuk, Director General of the National History Museum of Ukraine, said.
The 1970 Convention established the legal framework for returning cultural artifacts illegally exported to their country of origin. It grants the state of origin the authority to request other countries, also parties to the Convention, to return the unlawfully exported artifacts to their rightful place.
"Estonia has done a lot not only for the Ukrainian army and humanitarian projects but also for Ukrainian culture. This event was made possible thanks to the powerful cooperation of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and all state bodies, in particular the Office of the Prosecutor General," the Special Assignments Ambassador stated.
For reference:
Ukraine is a member of the European Convention on the Protection of Archaeological Heritage (revised), which was ratified by the Ukrainian Parliament on December 10, 2003, through Law No. 1369-IV. It provides measures to preserve archaeological heritage and prevent the illegal circulation of archaeological objects.
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