15:28 01 May 2024

Candidate countries like Ukraine have historic opportunity to forge strong ties with EU – Borrell

Photo: EPA-EFE

On April 1, the 20th anniversary of the most significant expansion in the European Union's history, the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, noted in his statement that candidate countries, including Ukraine, have a historic opportunity to build strong relations with the European Union.

The EP writes about this, referring to the statement of the top European diplomat.

The head of European diplomacy noted that 20 years ago, the European family welcomed ten new member states, a bold step that further united Europe after decades of division after the Second World War.

"However, our work on the reunification of the continent is not finished. We knew it until 2022, and we know it even more today, when Russia is waging an aggressive war against Ukraine," he said.

As Borrell emphasized, millions of Europeans expressed their desire and hope to join the EU project in recent years.

"The Western Balkans, Türkiye, Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia have a historic window of opportunity to link their future to the European Union firmly. EU enlargement is a transformative policy that contributes to strengthening security, justice, and democracy, as well as raising the standard of living of Europeans," Borrell noted.

The head of EU diplomacy added that the European Union and the candidates cooperate in the field of security and defense to face numerous geopolitical challenges together and better overcome them.

Borrell stressed that future member states must strengthen their democratic institutions and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms.

"The candidate countries and the EU have a historic opportunity to build a bigger, deeper, and stronger European Union," stated the EU High Representative.

For reference:

It should be noted that the presidents of the three Baltic countries, in a joint statement on the 20th anniversary of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia's membership in the EU, called for holding intergovernmental conferences with Ukraine, as well as Moldova, and for the start of accession negotiations with them in June 2024.

Karis, Nauseda, and Rinkevichs emphasized that they are celebrating the 20th anniversary of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia's accession to the European Union at a time when Russia's unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine reminds us that peace in Europe cannot be taken for granted.

"We emphasize that international support remains crucial for Ukraine's victory. Today, Ukraine defends our democratic values. We resolutely support Ukraine in defending the rules-based world order," the presidents said.

They added that in 1990-1991, the Baltic states fought for democratic elections.

The presidents assured that they would support the candidate countries on the path of European integration to full membership in the European Union.

"We call for holding intergovernmental conferences with Ukraine and Moldova and for the start of accession negotiations in June 2024. The enlargement of the European Union was a strategic political investment for the European Union with inexhaustible potential," the three Baltic presidents emphasized.

Furthermore, Kaja Kallas, the Prime Minister of Estonia, expressed that her nation's entry into the European Union two decades ago enables them to assist Ukraine now.

It is worth remembering that Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia joined the EU on May 1, 2004.

When ten states acceded, only 15 countries were members of the EU, so this expansion is called the "Big Bang."

It should be noted that Ukraine is ready to start negotiations on joining the European Union, and they will probably start at the end of June.

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