Company news 18:58 28 Apr 2024

BGV Charity Fund and KOLO retail chain raise UAH 688,206 for "Charge Up the Armed Forces" project

Фото: благодійний фонд BGV

The BGV Charity Fund will use the funding raised from mid-January through the end of March to meet the urgent needs of Ukrainian soldiers.

As of April 18, 2024, the BGV Charity Fund has already used the donations to purchase and deliver the following items to the «Liut» Assault Brigade of the National Police of Ukraine: 20 drones and accompanying equipment, including controllers, batteries, goggles, and transmission modules, along with car tires, totaling UAH 498,000.

The fund also procured and delivered two radio frequency scanners worth UAH 104,000 to a military unit stationed near a flashpoint. These scanners help detect enemy drones.

The BGV fund has also purchased and delivered a laptop to the National Military Medical Clinical Center «Main Military Clinical Hospital.»

We are grateful to everyone who supports the Ukrainian Armed Forces by buying specific products at KOLO stores, where a portion of the sales goes to helping our soldiers.

The project is ongoing, and customers can continue buying select items marked with a special label, such as hot and energy drinks, ground coffee, chocolate bars, and more. For a complete list of eligible products, visit our partner's website at Charge Up the Armed Forces — KOLO (kolomarket.com.ua) or ask a store employee for more information.

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