Solutions to win: KIDDISVIT launches Chevrons of Heroes project to support Ukraine’s military with EW

10% of the sale of TechnoDrive military vehicles will be donated to the defense of the Ukrainian army.

Rubryka informs about this.

What is the problem?

Every day, the brave military risk their own lives fighting for the independence of Ukraine, protecting their homeland and each of the Ukrainians. They, too, deserve the protection.

Hence, Ukrainians do not have the right to grow weary of supporting their heroes.

What is the solution?

KIDDISVIT launched the charity project "Chevrons of Heroes" by KIDDISVIT.

The goal is to transfer part of the sales to the anti-drone electronic warfare system for the protection of Ukraine's military.

How does it work?

The company has released a limited edition series of TechnoDrive cars featuring the distinctive emblems of various military divisions.

The first collection includes a total of 16 models featuring the famous divisions of Ukraine, such as:

  • Offensive brigades of the National Guard of Ukraine,
  • Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine,
  • "Khartiia",
  • "Kholodnyi Yar",
  • "Ptakhy Madiara".

Throughout the year, we can expect to see numerous additional sets of cars displaying the various chevrons from different military units. The total number of chevrons will reach 50.

Each car model is limited and approved by the leadership of Ukraine's armed forces and the National Guard of Ukraine.

From the sale of each car, the KIDDISVIT company will allocate 10% to the purchase of EW anti-drone systems to protect the Ukrainian military.

"We interact extensively with the military, lending our support, forging friendships, and witnessing firsthand the immense reverence they hold for their brigade chevrons. These symbols represent a sense of camaraderie and belonging within their unit, and the military often continues to wear them even in civilian life – a way of coming back home. Through this project, we aim to show our profound respect and gratitude towards all the heroes who defend Ukraine. Our efforts lend towards the eventual victory and the safe return of our brave servicemen and women to their loved ones. These vehicles will be presented as gifts to volunteers from other battalions and platoons, adorned with the chevrons of our honored heroes. We strive to convey the stories of military units who have significantly impacted this ongoing war. We believe that these machines will inspire future generations to defend and protect their country," Pavlo Ovchinnikov, CEO of KIDDISVIT, said.

You can support the charity project and buy toys on the website and in the largest networks of Ukraine:

House of Toys, Aurora Multimarket, ANTOSHKA, ATB-market, Epicenter, MYplay, Chudo Ostriv, ROZETKA, OKKO, MAUDAU, WOG Gas Station Network, UPG, Comfy, and others.

For reference:

It was previously reported that KIDDISVIT and the Aurora multi-market chain launched a collection of military cars, TechnoDrive, with the symbols of Ukraine's armed forces. The goal is to transfer funds for the reconstruction of Ukraine through UNITED24.

Rubryka also reported that the companies KIDDISVIT and Aurora Multimarket donated UAH 1,785,000 to arrange shelters in schools.

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