US approval of Ukraine aid inspires greater support from EU – von der Leyen

The aid package for Ukraine, recently approved by the United States House of Representatives, will encourage the countries of the European Union to provide more active support.

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, stated this in an interview with Politico.

According to the head of the European Commission, Europe will not make a pause in offering aid to Kyiv following the House's ruling.

In this context, she recalled her conversation with US President Joe Biden the day before.

"I told President Biden that this decision (of the House of Representatives—Ed.) will encourage Europe to strengthen its military support for Ukraine further," von der Leyen stressed.

In addition, the President of the European Commission added that the EU will continue to support Ukraine.

"We will be with Ukraine as long as necessary because it is right. And also because the alternative would endanger our own freedom," the head of the European Commission emphasized.

Von der Leyen also welcomed the House decision, which is expected to be approved by the Senate soon and signed by Biden. She called it a turning point in the war that would lift the spirits of Ukrainians after months of bad news and defeats.

"The historic bipartisan decision of the US Congress will have a huge psychological effect and will really change the situation on the battlefield," the EC president said.

At the same time, she added that "renewed support will raise the fighting spirit of the entire country."

Von der Leyen noted that Europe has also provided "unprecedented" support to Kyiv.

"This week, the European Union and its member states will already provide aid to Ukraine and Ukrainians in Europe in the amount of almost 100 billion euros. And we have already agreed on tens of billions more euros that will come in the following years," the head of the EC said.

It is worth mentioning that the United States Administration is currently putting together a larger-than-usual package of military assistance for Ukraine, which includes armored vehicles and urgently needed artillery and air defense equipment.

For reference:

On April 20, the US House of Representatives approved a draft law on financing aid to Ukraine. Even before the end of voting, the required number of votes was collected for the draft law. 310 congressmen voted for the draft law, while 112 voted against it.

The President of the United States called on the Senate to approve the bill on aid to Ukraine as soon as possible.

Subsequently, the Senate majority leader, Democrat Chuck Schumer, announced that on Tuesday, April 23, the Senate of the United States of America will consider the bill on aid to Ukraine, which the House of Representatives finally approved on April 20.

It should be added that for the document to become law, it must be voted on by both houses of Congress and signed by the US president.

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