12:25 21 Apr 2024

Netherlands to help Kherson region improve water supply

Фото: Херсонський водоканал

Four communities of the Kherson region plan to implement a project to improve water supply with the support of the Netherlands.

The Kherson Regional State Administration reported this, Rubryka writes.

What is the problem?

After the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant explosion, there has been a problem with providing drinking water to the residents of settlements that used the Kakhovka reservoir.

In the Kherson region, the most challenging situation has developed in Beryslavska, Novoraiska, Mylivska, Novoaleksandrivska, and Novovorontsovsk communities.

What is the solution?

Thanks to the support of the Netherlands, a project to improve water supply in the Kherson region will be implemented.

It will be implemented in Vysokopillia, Novovorontsov, Kherson, and Chornobayiv communities based on the experience of the international cooperation agency of the Association of Municipalities of the Netherlands VNG International.

How does it work?

"Within the scope of the project, a vision of integrated water resources management of the Kherson region will be developed, which will take into account the damage caused as a result of the full-scale invasion, as well as the solid solutions and experience of the Netherlands," said Dmytro Butrii, the first deputy head of the Kherson RMA.

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Photo: Facebook / Kherson RMA

It is reported that priority infrastructure solutions in the field of water supply are planned to be implemented as part of the project, including:

  • restoration of waterworks materials and equipment,
  • measures to improve the quality of drinking water,
  • arrangement of permanent sources of water supply.

"Territorial communities and water utilities will gain knowledge and understanding of existing water systems, their sustainable operation, management and maintenance of water supply and drainage within the framework of proper management of water resources," adds a Kherson OVA representative.

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Photo: Facebook / Kherson RMA

The project will be implemented from April 2024 to July 2025. Its value is about €3 million.

We remind you that the first deputy head of the Kherson RMA, Dmytro Butrii, made a study visit to the Kingdom of the Netherlands as part of the project "Support for the recovery of local self-government and restoration and reconstruction of communities in Ukraine."

Kherson RMA presented projects for restoring communities at a meeting with Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) representatives.

The partners became interested in participating in the restoration of the region and identified priority areas for themselves:

  • water supply,
  • agro-industrial complex,
  • medicine.

Special attention is paid to the reconstruction of alternative energy and the processing of solid household waste.

In particular, the Dutch water supply company Wereled Waternet, which is engaged in improving the quality of drinking water worldwide, offered to help research the waters of the Kherson region.

In turn, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands confirmed that it will provide financial support for the region's reconstruction.

We will remind that the problem of contaminated water for the citizens of Ukraine due to Russia's aggression will remain relevant for a long time.

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