The Ministry of Defense of Denmark reports this.
The new package will allocate funds to Ukraine's defense industry for various purposes, including:
The total value of the package is approximately 2.2 billion Danish kroner (€295 million), of which 200 million kroner (€28.5 million) will go directly to investing in the Ukrainian defense industry.
"In March, I visited a number of Ukrainian defense industry enterprises in Kyiv, and it became clear that there is great potential for future cooperation to supply Ukraine with the necessary equipment to help change the situation on the battlefield," said Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen.
The Danish Ministry of Defense leader mentioned that investing directly in the Ukrainian defense industry is a novel proposal. He believes it will encourage other nations to follow suit, leading to increased production of military equipment in Ukraine.
The package also provides for the conclusion of several different agreements with allies regarding purchases and donations for Ukraine from the defense industry of Western countries, as well as joint contributions. Danish companies will supply some of the weapons.
Denmark has already announced military support for Ukraine in the total amount of DKK 41.4 billion (€5.5 billion) for 2022-2028.
For reference:
On August 20 last year, the Netherlands and Denmark reached an agreement on the transfer of F-16 aircraft to Ukraine after the training of Ukrainian pilots.
In particular, Ukraine will receive 42 American F-16 fighter jets from the Netherlands and 19 aircraft from Denmark.
In addition to funds for military aid, the Danish government also allocates additional funds for the Danish-Ukrainian fund, which helps attract investments from Danish companies to Ukraine.
Denmark also decided to allocate almost 6 million euros to restore Ukraine's energy infrastructure.
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