Solutions from Ukraine: Lviv launches mobile blood collection point

In Lviv, a new mobile donor blood collection unit has begun operations as a fully outfitted bus. Its first stop was near the Lviv Opera House, where over fifty volunteers donated blood and received tickets to the show.

The First Medical Association of Lviv announced that on Facebook.

What is the problem?

Even though there is a growing trend towards donation, many individuals are still opposed due to various misconceptions and beliefs, making them unreceptive to the concept of donating.

One of the effective ways to change this situation and involve young people is to debunk these myths and conduct educational campaigns that raise awareness of the importance and processes of donation, as well as attract people to the locations to donate blood.

What is the solution?

That is why a mobile donor blood collection point was launched in Lviv.

A specifically outfitted bus has begun operating near the Lviv Opera House. This is its initial stop.

At the Mobile Blood Center, a team of medical specialists from the City Blood Service Center of the Communal Enterprise "First Territorial Medical Association of Lviv" will be present during the donation process to ensure the most comfortable and safe experience.

It should be noted that Rubryka already reported that a new mobile blood center has appeared in Lviv to support the life and health of citizens.

How does it work?

"The blood donation bus is all about convenience and efficiency. For those who are unable to visit a permanent blood service center, the mobile unit offers an opportunity to donate. It's simple: our team travels to various locations and collects blood. We were extremely pleased with the initial turnout and hope to continue increasing our donor numbers to save our fellow Ukrainians' lives," the head of the City Blood Service Center, Yuriy Kobetskyi, said.

All those willing had the opportunity to donate blood in the city's center, near the Opera House. The locals enthusiastically participated in the donation.

Fifty-two donors donated blood in just three hours.

Blood was donated by both pre-registered donors and passers-by, all of whom received a reward in the form of tickets to the play "Stolen Happiness" at the Lviv National Theater of Opera and Ballet.

"Usually, it is not convenient for me to go to blood donation centers – because of the location. I saw an announcement on social networks that donating blood near the Opera House would be possible. I had free time, so I came," donor Khrystyna says.

Photo: Facebook / First Medical Association of Lviv

A mobile blood point or bloodmobile is a bus equipped with:

  • five chairs for donations,
  • a resting area;
  • refrigerators for blood storage.

Six specialists, including a doctor and two nurses, provide the work of such a mobile point.

Photo: Facebook / First Medical Association of Lviv

For reference:

According to reports, the "My Blood Group" project, a joint effort between Ukraine and Denmark, has been initiated in Lviv with the aim of promoting the donor movement.

It was also mentioned that the second initiative, "Filling," kicked off in Lviv, providing blood donors complimentary tickets to shows, exhibitions, concerts, and tours.

The Ministry of Health has created a new procedure for distributing donated blood to the front. It was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers, the government of Ukraine.


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