Trump declares visiting Ukraine “inappropriate” for presidential candidate – Reuters

The former president of the United States and current Republican candidate for the upcoming elections, Donald Trump, feels it would be inappropriate for him to visit Ukraine now as he no longer holds an official position.

Reuters reports this with reference to a letter from Trump's campaign headquarters.

In an interview released by the Axel Springer media group, President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that the day before, Trump had been invited to Ukraine multiple times "to witness everything firsthand and draw his own conclusions."

Zelensky expressed readiness to meet with him.

At the same time, representatives of Trump's campaign headquarters said on Wednesday that Zelensky had no official contacts with the former American leader.

"There were no contacts from Zelensky, and [former – ed.] President Trump publicly stated that it would be inappropriate for him to go to Ukraine right now, as he is not the commander-in-chief," an email from Trump's campaign headquarters reads.

As Reuters writes, US presidential candidates often visit other countries to strengthen their foreign policy authority.

Trump and Republicans who support him in Congress oppose further aid to Ukraine, with the exception of a possible loan.

It was previously reported by The Washington Post that Donald Trump, the former head of the White House and US presidential candidate, had mentioned in private conversations that he could end the war in Ukraine by pressuring Ukraine to give up a particular territory.

It is rumored that his proposal involves pressuring Ukraine to cede Crimea and Donbas to Russia.

Trump has repeatedly spoken about the war in Ukraine. In particular, he promised to stop the war in Ukraine "very quickly" if he wins the presidential elections this year.

After that, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, invited Trump to visit Kyiv.

President Volodymyr Zelensky also stated earlier that Ukraine will not give its territories to the Russian Federation.

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