United to win: Lithuania sends additional military aid to support Ukraine

Lithuania is still supplying military assistance to Ukraine. On Thursday, April 11, Ukraine received drones, generators, and folding beds for their armed forces.

The press service of the Ministry of Defense of Lithuania reported this.

"Lithuania supports Ukraine continuously. We help Ukraine with everything we can and seek ways to increase our assistance. Weapons and equipment supplied by us and our allies make a decisive contribution to Ukraine's struggle for freedom," said the Minister of National Defense, Laurynas Kasčiūnas.

The agency notes that, in response to Ukraine's request, Lithuania has already provided this year:

"Lithuania's support to Ukraine is of a long-term nature and already amounts to one billion euros. Lithuania has provided military aid to Ukraine in the amount of about 610 million euros. About 84 million euros have already been provided this year, and the goal is to maintain this dynamic of support," the department's message states.

It should be noted that on April 11, the head of the Ukrainian state is on an official visit to Lithuania, where he will take part in the summit of the Three Seas Initiative, or the Three Seas.

For reference:

Lithuania has been one of Ukraine's most active allies since the start of the full-scale Russian invasion. It provides military assistance to Ukrainian defenders and also supports Ukraine's membership in the European Union and NATO.

In January, President Gitanas Nauseda stated that Lithuania approved a package of 200 million euros of long-term aid to Ukraine during his visit to Kyiv.

At the beginning of April, Lithuania announced plans to purchase almost 3,000 FPV drones for the Ukrainian army. 2 million euros will be allocated from the Lithuanian budget for these needs.

The day before, Lithuanian Minister of National Defense Laurynas Kasčiūnas visited Kyiv and met with Zelensky.

Lithuania will also provide Ukraine with support in restoring the energy infrastructure.

Furthermore, the Lithuanian Ministry of Education, Science, and Sports has suggested a one-year extension for the period in which Ukrainian refugees who have secured employment here are exempt from the requirement to speak Lithuanian.

It is worth noting that Lithuania's financial assistance to Ukraine has amounted to more than 1 billion euros since the beginning of the full-scale invasion.

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