The spokesperson for the Ukrainian Naval Forces, Dmytro Pletenchuk, shared this information on Facebook, and the Telegram channel "Crimean Wind" reports this.
"Minus the Russian Ka-27 in Crimea. It was looking for something and found it," Pletenchuk said.
The spokesman did not provide other details, including the type of weapon used in the shooting.
As mentioned by "Crimean Wind," the Russian Federation's Black Sea Fleet currently utilizes these helicopters in their search for Ukrainian naval drones and landing craft.
These helicopters are stationed at the airfield located in Kacha, an urban settlement in the Bakhchisaray District of Crimea.
For reference:
The "252" rotorcraft made its inaugural flight on August 8, 1973. Using this initial design, the Navy created two primary variations: the Ka–27 anti-submarine helicopter and the Ka–27PS search-and-rescue helicopter.
Later, the Ka-29 marine transport-combat rotorcraft and the Ka-32 civil multipurpose helicopter were developed.
The Ka–27 is specifically designed to identify, follow, and neutralize submarines up to 500 m deep, at speeds of up to 75 km/h, in search areas up to 200 km from the main vessel. This can be achieved in rough seas up to 5 on the Beaufort scale, both day and night, and in various weather conditions.
The rotorcraft can perform tactical tasks both individually and as part of a group and interact with ships in all geographical latitudes. The helicopter can operate from a coastal airfield or from a ship.
It should be noted that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Russian troops have already lost 325 helicopters and 347 aircraft.
In addition, on April 9, Ukraine's Defense Forces eliminated more than 800 invaders. Thus, the total losses of Russian troops since the beginning of the great war have already amounted to about 450,080 soldiers.
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