19:28 10 Apr 2024

Rebuilding Ukraine: Switzerland pledges €5 bln for Ukraine's reconstruction

The Swiss federal government has announced a plan to allocate 5 billion Swiss francs (equivalent to 5 billion euros) for Ukrainian reconstruction until 2036. World Bank projections indicate that 448 billion euros are necessary for Ukraine's complete restoration.

This is stated on the website of the federal government of Switzerland.

Switzerland plans to attract about 1.5 billion euros to reconstruct Ukraine by 2028 as a first step. Next, the Federal Council will study other funding sources, apart from the international cooperation agency, from which the remaining 3.5 billion euros can be obtained.

The European country has already spent 3 billion euros to support Ukrainians affected by the war. Of these, 2.5 billion euros are spent on Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland. Another 425 million euros were directed to the international cooperation budget.

Switzerland is already supporting projects in Ukraine to rebuild the destroyed energy system, roads, and healthcare facilities.

For reference:

It should be noted that Switzerland financed the creation of six simulation centers in Ukraine, thanks to which future doctors will prepare to work with real patients.

Furthermore, Switzerland is set to provide over 100 million euros in aid to Ukraine, specifically for demining operations and food assistance.

Switzerland announced the allocation of 11.8 million Swiss francs of additional aid for Ukraine in the winter period, which is about 13.66 million dollars.


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