This is reported on the Inheart website.
What is the problem?
Oleksandr Sydorov, the art director of Anthracite Design Studio and the developer of Inheart service, launched a pilot version of the product in November last year to gauge the demand for a digital memory preservation service. In the first two weeks, over 250 pages of memories were created.
A third of them are memorials to fallen soldiers.
"When I saw a request from military families, the team adapted the service to the military context. We strive to make the service worthy of recording a historical moment and personal tragedies," Sydorov emphasized.
What is the solution?
Digital memorials of soldiers who died in the war with the Russian Federation can be issued independently on the Inheart platform. Users will receive a QR code that can be placed at the burial or memorial site to access the memories quickly.
"Thanks to this, you can keep memories of a loved one and talk about the battle path of the departed Heroes," the message reads.
It is noted that during the service's development, the team consulted and analyzed feedback from soldiers and families who lost loved ones in the war.
How does it work?
On the memory page, friends and loved ones can leave words of encouragement, while comrades can post photos that the family may not have seen before.
Additionally, if requested, the soldier's family can share details about the final days and location of the tragedy.
According to the developers, the memory pages use the first memorial font in Ukraine, UAF Memory, developed by the brand designer of Ukraine's armed forces to honor the fallen soldiers.
Creating digital memorials for Ukrainian defenders is free of charge.
For an extra charge, one can add a metal QR code to the memorial page and attach it to the tombstone. This will allow friends and family to quickly scan the QR code at the burial site and access the defender's digital memorial.
Photo: Inheart
Those who are willing can also show their support for Inheart by donating to monobank. The service relies on renting a significant amount of space on cloud storage to store extensive collections of photos and videos securely.
To create a digital memorial for a fallen soldier, one must write a biography in the convenient story builder on the Inheart. Memorial website, add precious memory photos, list awards, and indicate the place of burial.
For reference:
It should be noted that a memorial cemetery is planned for the territory of the Hatne community in the Kyiv region. The government claims that the cemetery's design should be completed by July 30, 2025.
On March 15, the Cabinet of Ministers [Ukraine's government – ed.] adopted an order regarding the final determination of the location of the National Military Memorial Cemetery. The Department of Veterans Affairs has provided clarification on who is eligible to be buried there.
It was announced on March 23 that the National Military Memorial Cemetery has received permanent land plots in the Kyiv region. This will mark the start of a new phase in the project's development.
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