Solutions to win: Ukraine launches Defense Builder Accelerator to empower startups in security sector

Ukraine recently launched the Defense Builder Accelerator program, which focuses on accelerating the growth of defense startups.

Rubryka writes about this, referring to the organizers.

What is the solution?

According to the team, this four-month program was designed for Ukrainian defense developers. The goal is to promptly provide technological solutions to the front when requested by the Defense Forces.

The program was developed with the participation of Genesis, the investment wing of Sigma Software Labs, and the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE). Among the mentors are representatives of the companies Netpeak, Skyeton, Airlogix, Finmap, and Buntar Aerospace, as well as engineers and military personnel with combat experience. The names of the military and some of the mentors are not disclosed.

How does it work?

The program includes 100 hours of mentors' online lectures and 12 personal meetings, as well as analysis of theoretical and practical cases.

Teams will have the ability to:

  • develop a project roadmap (a document outlining the development strategy),
  • gain access to investors,
  • participate in training ground testing and receive feedback from the military.

Who can participate?

Startups that meet the following requirements:

  • With a team of at least two people;
  • With MVP [minimum viable product] level;
  • With reviews of the military about the product;


  • UAV
  • Ground robotic complexes
  • Unmanned surface vehicles
  • EW [radio electronic warfare] and Radio Electronic Intelligence means;
  • Software and cyber security
  • Demining solutions
  • Avionics
  • Sensors

In the initial group, 15 startups will be chosen. The program runs from April 4 to 30.

For reference:

It should be noted that Ukrainian developers have designed a new WarDog drone, capable of conducting reconnaissance in challenging terrain and even when faced with enemy electronic warfare.

In addition, the Defense Tech development support cluster in Ukraine Brave1 announces the search for an interceptor drone solution.

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