The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reports this.
According to American analysts, Lieutenant General Kyrylo Budanov, head of Ukraine's intelligence, stated that Ukraine expects Russian offensive operations to intensify in late spring and early summer.
In addition, as experts stressed, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also previously noted that the main Russian offensive efforts could begin at the end of May or in June.
"ISW has recently observed that Russian forces intensified the tempo of their offensive operations across the theater, including by conducting a roughly reinforced company-sized mechanized assault toward Chasiv Yar on April 4, and continues to assess that the Russian military appears to be successfully mitigating likely increased manpower and materiel losses," ISW emphasized.
Zelensky and high-ranking Ukrainian military officers recently warned:
The ISW continues to evaluate the impact of delayed Western military support on the Defense Forces. These delays have forced the Defense Forces to make tough choices regarding the allocation of resources as they face the challenge of countering the Russian military expansion. Meanwhile, they must also plan for future offensive operations while the US has prolonged discussions over providing military aid.
ISW key findings as of April 7:
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