Lithuania offers to supply spare parts for Ukraine’s energy system from decommissioned thermal power plants

Lithuania offers technical assistance to Ukraine to repair thermal power plants damaged by recent massive Russian attacks.

The Minister of Energy of Ukraine, Herman Halushchenko, discussed this the day before during an interview on the television program "Edyni Novyny."

As the head of the department noted, he had a conversation with the Minister of Energy of Lithuania.

"They generally offered to use their heating stations, which are closed. To use them as donors is an opportunity to disassemble and get the spare parts we need," Halushchenko noted.

The minister added that other countries are helping Ukraine cope with the consequences of Russian attacks against the energy industry.

At the same time, according to the minister, the best defense is to strengthen Ukraine's air defense system.

Herman Halushchenko, the Ukrainian Minister of Energy, recently conducted a virtual meeting with Dainius Kreivys, the Lithuanian Minister of Energy. Their discussion's main focus was supporting the energy sector in Ukraine.

"We thank Lithuania for this support. Your help is essential to us. We have already received two powerful autotransformers and 72 loads of other necessary energy equipment from the Lithuanian side with a total weight of more than 1,300 tons," the minister emphasized.

At the same time, Dainius Kreivys noted that Lithuania is considering the possibility of transferring another powerful autotransformer.

During the meeting, Herman Halushchenko emphasized the critical need to increase the generating capacity to survive the next winter. Special attention will be paid to decentralization and distributed generation.

For reference:

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal emphasized that Ukraine's energy system suffered one of the largest air attacks in two years. As a result of the Russian shelling, about 20 substations and power plants, including the Dnipro HPP, were hit.

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