Digest 21:15 06 Apr 2024

New attack on Russian airfields and mobile bath with salt room for the front: five leading solutions of the week

Every Saturday, Rubryka offers a short digest of the TOP-5 solutions of the week that bring Ukraine's victory closer:

🇫🇮 Ukraine and Finland signed a 10-year security agreement. Finland also announced it would provide Ukraine with the 23rd aid package, worth €188 million.

💥 Ukraine's security service attacked three Russian airfields with drones, destroying at least six planes. Su-25 and Tu-95MS were seriously damaged.

🇱🇹 Lithuania will purchase three thousand domestic drones for Ukraine. It will also allocate €15 million for rehabilitation programs of wounded Ukrainian soldiers.

🚿 Volunteers from Svalyava, known for its mineral and thermal springs, sent a mobile bathhouse with a salt room to the front. The complex's shower compartment has a changing room, three showers, three washer-dryers, and a barbershop area.

🇩🇪 Germany initiated the search for available Patriot air defense systems for Ukraine. It will also provide €576 million to purchase artillery ammunition for Ukraine, covering the cost of 180,000 shells.


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