
Russian army has launched over 180 drones and missiles toward Kyiv since start of year

The Russian enemy is still relentlessly targeting all of Ukraine, particularly the capital, using a combination of attack drones and various types of missiles. Since the start of 2024, they have launched over 180 destructive attacks towards Kyiv. The invaders have utilized Shahed drones and six different types of rockets in their strikes.

The press service of Kyiv City Military Administration reported that on Telegram.

In the first quarter of this year, Kyiv was targeted by over 180 missiles or drones from the enemy between January 1st and April 1st, 2024.

The attacks included:

  • five 3M22 "Tsirkon" missiles,
  • eleven Kh-47M2 "Kinzhal" missiles,
  • six Iskander-M missiles,
  • three Kh-69 missiles,
  • one "Kalibr" missile,
  • 113 Kh-101 missiles,
  • 48 "Shahed" type attack drones.

The Kyiv City Military Administration thanked the air defense forces for protecting the sky above the capital. It noted the need for the help of allies to strengthen measures against enemy air attacks.

"No one in history has ever withstood such a number and power of missile strikes. The democratic world should help close the sky over peaceful Ukrainian cities. More air defense means more lives saved. And the closer we are to Victory!" Serhii Popko, head of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, said.

For reference:

At approximately 10:30 a.m. on March 25, an air raid alert was issued in various parts of Ukraine, including Kyiv and its surrounding areas. The Air Force warned about potential ballistic threat. Shortly after, explosions were heard in Kyiv.

Missile fragments fell in several districts of the capital. In particular, a high-rise building in the Pechersk district was damaged as a result of a rocket attack.

Later, it became known that the Russian Federation launched two ballistic missiles from the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea, targeting Kyiv. However, they were successfully intercepted.

In the capital, due to an enemy missile attack on March 25, part of the Mykhailo Boychuk Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design building was damaged.

Rubryka's correspondent Mykola Tymchenko visited the scene.

Also, on the night of March 21, the enemy carried out a massive air attack on Ukraine. The missiles were moving in the direction of the western regions, and therefore, most of them were returned to Kyiv. During the Russian attack, approximately 30 enemy missiles, including ballistic ones, were hit by air defense forces and means over Kyiv and in the vicinity of the capital.

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