
Russian forces have almost obliterated critical energy infrastructure in Kharkiv – mayor

The Russians have almost wholly destroyed Kharkiv's critical energy infrastructure by launching missile and drone strikes. As a result, 150,000 residents are currently without electricity.

Kharkiv's mayor, Ihor Terekhov, stated this in an interview with Liga.net.

"Most of the critical energy infrastructure has already been destroyed, and the private infrastructure has also been devastated," he said.

According to him, Russia wants to intimidate Ukrainians, but this is impossible.

"Over the course of two years, we have witnessed varying degrees of danger, beginning with the infiltration of sabotage and reconnaissance groups within Kharkiv. At times, the population of the city, originally close to two million, dwindled to only 300,000 residents," he noted.

According to Terekhov, the energy industry's situation remains challenging, but he stated that "no one is giving up."

"We have "Points of invincibility" working around the clock. During the two days of the last blackout, 28,000 Kharkiv residents came after the shelling. People are fed in schools for free. During the year, 10 million portions of food were distributed. We have experienced more difficult times – we will survive these too," Terekhov said.

Terekhov also mentioned that the Russian forces have not come near the city but are bombarding it with new weaponry. Typically, Kharkiv is targeted from the Russian city of Belgorod and surrounding areas, utilizing S-300 surface-to-air guided missiles, which, as Terekhov remarked, reach Kharkiv in a mere 40 seconds. Additionally, the enemy has increased its usage of Shahed drones.

For reference:

As Rubryka previously reported, an explosion rang out on the evening of March 31 in Kharkiv. Before that, the Air Force of Ukraine's armed forces warned about the launch of enemy-guided aerial bombs in the Kharkiv region.

Typically, the Russians use S300 systems to attack Kharkiv, but this week, the Russian military targeted the city with a new type of munition the D30 SN bomb, which is a large-caliber, guided weapon based on the FAB250. This is the first time this type of bomb has been used in Kharkiv.

On the night of April 1, Russian troops struck the Kharkiv region. The fire station was damaged.

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