Eco-solutions: Kyiv takes action against spontaneous landfills with two-month clean-up initiative

The spring beautification campaign in Kyiv will last two months, ending on May 20th. During this time, clean-ups will be carried out, and any impromptu landfills will be eliminated.

The press service of the Kyiv City State Administration reported this.

Specifically, the city will address the issue of spontaneous landfills and areas that have been a source of complaints from its residents. This includes public spaces and privately owned territories, as efforts will be made to involve these companies in improving the city's overall cleanliness.

The Kyiv City State Administration says that in wartime, most of the funds are directed to the defense of the country and support of the military. Still, even with limited resources, cleanliness and order in Kyiv should be a priority.

Firstly, it pertains to organizing main streets that experience heavy traffic.

"I'm talking about "chronically" neglected locations, where there is no owner or the owner is careless about his economic duties for various reasons. This should not be the case. We will restore order through joint efforts involving responsible officials, enterprises, institutions, organizations, etc.," Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration Petro Panteleev noted.

As mentioned, district administrations have a list of locations that urgently require attention. The city authorities will provide separate information about:

  • The date;
  • The location;
  •  Specific details and general information.

The districts will be ranked based on the monthly report, with evaluations being formed based on the work done. Other factors that will be considered include:

  • the cleanliness of green spaces,
  • the removal of any emergency or damaged items (especially in children's and sports areas),
  • the presence of scattered garbage,
  • and the regular and timely disposal of waste.

For reference:

It's worth mentioning that a kayaking clean-up event was held recently in Kyiv. Communal workers and volunteers worked together to clean up the areas around Lake Zhandarka in the Darnytskyi district and Halerna Zatoka in the Holosiivskyi district.

On Saturday, March 30, in the Pechersk district of Kyiv, over two hundred people came together at "Boichukivska Toloka" to clean and prepare the premises of the Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts for restoration. The building was damaged by Russian shelling.

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