What’s Going On

Armored vehicles coalition for Ukraine and combat AI module: five leading solutions of the week

Every Saturday, Rubryka posts a short digest of the week's top 5 solutions that bring Ukraine's victory closer:

🇵🇱 A new initiative, the Coalition of Armored Vehicles for Ukraine, has been launched in Poland. It aims to bolster the Ukrainian army's technical resources, supporting the upkeep and servicing of Western equipment and weaponry.

🇫🇷 The French company Delair is set to transfer 400 more drones to Ukraine. These drones are being designed for border control, intelligence, and use by special operations forces.

🇩🇪 Germany handed Ukraine a new package of military aid. It included missiles for the Patriot air defense system, ammunition for Leopard tanks, thousands of artillery shells, 20 Marder armored personnel carriers, unmanned aerial vehicles, and others.

🎓 Kyiv Polytechnic Institute students have designed evacuation electric vehicles for soldiers on the front lines. These e-carriers have a range of 5 km and a battery life of 1 hour when in use. They can also be operated from a remote location.

🔥 Ukrainian developers have created a combat AI module with remote control. It is designed to destroy human power and can also be used against unarmored vehicles.

Follow the first solutions media outlet Rubryka – let's bring victory closer together!


Опубліковано автором
Богдан Петришин
Теги: International politics Events Solution Society

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