Ukrainian students assemble robot stretchers for evacuation of soldiers at the front

Students from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute are assembling radio-controlled evacuation stretchers for the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Rubryka reports.

What's the problem?

According to medical brigades, the prolonged evacuation from the battlefield and the lack of stationary stabilization points have led to the inability to save 50% of heavily wounded soldiers.

To remedy the situation, Ukraine is developing ground robotic systems and has recently held open trials in early March.

"We need to replace people with machines wherever possible. After all, the most valuable thing we have on the front lines is people," said Ukraine's Deputy Minister for Strategic Industries Hanna Hvozdiar.

What's the solution?

Ukrainian civilians, especially engineers and developers, also don't sit idly by and work on solutions to support the evacuation of soldiers from the battlefield.

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute students are assembling radio-controlled evacuation stretchers for military purposes.

Dmytro Mamonov, a displaced person from the front-line city of Sloviansk, developed the evacuation stretchers on radio control. Other students assist in assembling after classes and on weekends.

The device helps extract wounded soldiers from flashpoints without risking the lives of medics. It can also be used to deliver anti-tank mines or ammunition.

How does it work?

The stretchers can cover a distance of up to 5 kilometers, with batteries lasting for 1 hour of operation. They can reliably carry up to 120 kilograms and are operated remotely by a single person.

The evacuation stretchers are collapsible and can fit in a car trunk. Among the advantages are mobility and high passability.

"It takes three weeks to manufacture one such ground drone, with the cost of components totaling only ₴50,000," the statement says.

Earlier, Rubryka reported that a teenager from the Kyiv region collects plastic and recycles it for drone parts printed on a 3D printer.

Ukrainian inventors from the Brave1 cluster have developed a remote-controlled evacuation platform, FoxTac, which can evacuate wounded soldiers from the battlefield.

Rubryka also reported that the Kharkiv charitable foundation CodeIT4Life has provided ten military units with quad bikes, trailers, and additional tires for evacuating the wounded.

Moreover, two volunteers, Volodymyr Mussur and Roman Borynets from Broshniv-Osada, Ivano-Frankivsk region, are creating a ground drone for evacuating wounded soldiers. The radio-controlled device will accelerate to 20 km/h and can carry at least 150 kg.

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