UK intelligence shares images of aftermath of latest strikes on occupied Sevastopol

The Russian command was forced to withdraw expensive ships from the occupied Sevastopol. 

Ukraine continues to eliminate Russian ships that remain, Rubryka reports, citing the UK Ministry of Defense.

According to the intelligence summary of March 24, the Ukrainian Air Force launched a series of strikes across Russian-occupied Crimea. One of the targets was the communications center of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol.

Analysis of images showed that one building was structurally damaged, including partial roof collapse and two other buildings were damaged by explosions.

The strikes also damaged amphibious and reconnaissance ships, the report said.

According to British intelligence, the more expensive Russian vessels, which typically used the port infrastructure of Sevastopol, were forced to relocate to alternative port facilities further east.

"Despite Russia's attempts to limit its losses, Ukraine continues to demonstrate successes in reducing the capabilities of the Russian Black Sea Fleet to operate in the region," the British Ministry of Defense said.

Earlier, British intelligence reported that after a series of significant losses of Russian ships in the Black Sea, the commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and the head of the Russian Navy were replaced.

Currently, the Russian military department is seeking ways to preserve the fleet in the Black Sea. Ship operations are limited, and drone defense has been strengthened.

What do we know about the "Yamal" and "Azov" strikes?

On March 23, explosions rocked occupied Crimea, including the city of Sevastopol. OSINT analysts noted that a large communication node of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol may have been affected.

On March 24, Russian Telegram channels reported that a "well-camouflaged command post, where more than two dozen officers were present during the strike," was hit in Sevastopol.

Later that same day, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that the Ukrainian forces struck Russian military facilities in Sevastopol. Two Russian landing ships — "Yamal" and "Azov" — and the communications center and several infrastructure facilities of the Russian Black Sea Fleet were destroyed.

On March 25, Ukraine's General Staff reported that the Russian BDK "Yamal" damage was critical. In turn, the South Operational Command Natalia Humeniuk spokesperson said that  Russian logistics and troop management were significantly affected by the strikes on "Yamal" and "Azov."

Later, it became known that another Russian ship — "Ivan Khurs" — may have been damaged during this strike.

It was later reported that Ukrainian soldiers used the "Neptune"  missile complex to target the "Kostiantyn Olshanskyi," a Ukrainian landing ship captured by Russian forces during the occupation of Crimea in 2014, which was supposed to be used for strikes on our territory. The extent of the damage to the ship is being clarified.

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