Rubryka references a video published on YouTube, providing its features.
What is the problem?
Deploying military units in open terrain during hostilities typically leads to significant casualties.
Therefore, more and more attention must be paid to the issues of human power protection. Combat modules have proven themselves well in wartime conditions and are distinguished by reliability and high security.
The main advantage of combat modules is the possibility of installing weapons of various calibers and firepower. A high level of operator safety is achieved thanks to the module's remote control.
However, they are needed for the military in vast quantities.
What is the solution?
The company "DevDrond" unveiled its latest portable combat module, Wolly, which enables users to fire at a distance. It has already undergone successful combat testing.
How does it work?
Based on the details provided in the description of the machine gun module, it appears to be designed for incapacitating human targets. It can also be utilized against unprotected vehicles and for reconnaissance in military operations.
Photo: Screenshot from the video
It is planned to be used for:
In addition, the module is very easy to transport.
Wolly has a 7.62 mm machine gun with a claimed range of 1,000 meters.
The operator can fire from 100 meters away while remaining undercover. One can utilize either a tablet computer or a gamepad to control the module.
For reference:
It should be noted that the universal robot D-21-11, which is equipped with an automatic turret and can perform combat tasks, was created by members of the Brave1 defense cluster.
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