The spokesman of the State Border Service, Andriy Demchenko, reported that.
According to him, at the "Rava-Ruska" and "Yahodyn" checkpoints, the Poles do not allow Ukrainian trucks to enter Poland at all. There are "zero indicators of border crossings in the last period" on these routes.
The spokesman of the State Border Service noted that the Poles still let a certain number of trucks through, but according to him, this number is "far from ideal."
So, for example, during the past day, March 23, 60 trucks could leave at the "Yahodyn" checkpoint in the direction of Ukraine, although it is possible to pass 1,200-1,400 vehicles in this direction, Demchenko said.
For reference:
Polish carriers, and later farmers, began to block the movement of Ukrainian trucks in the fall of 2023. The reason for the carriers' strike is called "excessive competition" after the adoption of "transport visa-free" between Ukraine and EU countries.
Polish farmers are protesting to soften the European "green rate" and to receive more subsidies and compensations.
They blocked traffic in six directions – these are the checkpoints "Yahodyn," "Ustyluh," "Uhryniv," "Rava-Ruska," "Shehyni," and "Krakivets."
The Polish media even wrote that Ukraine and Poland are allegedly negotiating the temporary border closure for bilateral trade in goods. However, the Ministry of Reconstruction of Ukraine denied information about such negotiations.
Due to the blockade, the Ukrainian economy has already suffered billions of euros in losses, and Poland's economic losses are even more significant. In addition, three Ukrainian drivers died on the territory of Poland.
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