Photo: open sources
Bucha's mayor, Anatoliy Fedoruk, writes about this.
According to the city's leader, a new hospital will be built in collaboration with the Center for Mental Health. Specifically, as stated by Fedoruk:
The hospital is planning to incorporate American expertise in the 3D printing of prostheses. To do so, they recently visited a specialized orthopedic hospital in Pennsylvania. The prostheses will be created based on clinical assessments.
"They will serve as long as regular ones," Fedoruk explained.
Printers will be donated to the hospital by the NGO Ukraine Focus, and together with Northwell Health (the largest provider of medical services in New York), they will create a training center for medical workers.
In total, four such hospitals will be built in Ukraine. Accordingly, the agreement was signed in the USA, according to the mayor.
The Ministry of Health will determine the location of the other three. The hospital in Bucha is planned to be built by the end of 2024, and the construction will begin already in the fall of this year.
For reference:
It is worth mentioning that the Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Hospital, named after Pyrohov, has successfully carried out a groundbreaking procedure involving osseointegration prosthetics. This innovative approach allows for improved mobility and faster recovery for patients who have undergone amputation.
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