The recent attacks on oil refineries could have disabled at least 10% of Russia's refining capacity.
"These strikes cause financial losses to Russia, affecting the domestic fuel market. Overhauls can take a long time and are costly. The sanctions are likely to increase the time and cost of replacing equipment."
The intelligence agency drew attention to the words of a representative of the Russian Ministry of Energy that they plan to deploy the Pantsyr air defense system to protect the refinery.
"However, given the size and scope of the Russian energy industry, it is unlikely that Russia will be able to protect all vulnerable facilities."
Due to regular attacks by Ukrainian drones, Russia is re-equipping elements of its air defense system in the deep rear, the ISW analysts suggest.
In 2024, there have already been 15 drone attacks on 13 oil refineries in 9 regions of the Russian Federation. Of these, 8 facilities sustained significant damage.
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