BGV fund to organize pre-hospital aid and mine safety workshops for displaced Ukrainians

The BGV Charity Fund has raised funding for workshops for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the Bilohorodka territorial community thanks to the "Spilnofond" project implemented by the Podilska Hromada Foundation and the MHP-Gromadi Foundation with the support of Isar Ednannia.

The Bilohorodka community currently hosts 5,743 internally displaced persons who may return home to areas with a high mine risk. Accordingly, they require specialized knowledge.

The BGV Charity Fund initiated fundraising for educational workshops and raised 75,000 hryvnias. This project won a grant competition, and the grantor will double the raised amount.

The BGV team will use the money to organize training sessions in April 2024 with the Unit of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Kyiv region. The training will be provided to 80 people — adolescents and adult IDPs and social service workers in the Bilohorodka community — where they will receive theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Social workers will also distribute educational materials, such as brochures, among IDPs and school teachers during thematic class hours. Equipment such as a projector, laptop, and 80 sets of thematic card games will be purchased for the workshops and donated to the community afterward.

According to official data from the Ukrainian government, approximately 30% of Ukrainian territories — 174,000 square kilometers — are potentially mined. Many people from these areas are now IDPs, but they may return home, so expertise in mine safety is crucial for them: knowing how to behave and what to do if they find a mine, as well as providing pre-hospital aid to a person harmed by an explosion.

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