Company news 19:05 21 Mar 2024

The BGV Charitable Foundation celebrated its 2nd anniversary

On March 21, 2022, the BGV investment company group and its founder, Hennadii Butkevych, initiated the foundation to help Ukrainians during the war and support Ukraine's reconstruction after victory.

For two years, the BGV Charity Fund has mobilized financial and material assistance both internationally and within Ukraine, seeking foreign and domestic partners among large businesses for targeted projects.

The fund chose its key work areas: aid for socially vulnerable populations, educational and children's projects, and support for Ukrainian defenders.

The team has built a strong partner cooperation network, including at the highest levels, during the two years of the fund's existence. For example, through a joint program with the Estonian government, 23 Ukrainians who lost limbs due to hostilities in Ukraine have received 32 state-of-the-art bionic prostheses and rehabilitation. The program is set to continue into 2024.

One of the fund's priorities is charity initiatives for children. The team distributed 5,000 tablets with prepaid 4G internet for a year to schoolchildren who, due to the war, have to study online, ensuring access to education for internally displaced (IDP) and vulnerable children.

In partnership with German partners, the fund implemented the five waves of the assistance project for the youngest Ukrainians, aged 0 to 3, providing them with essential items such as clothing, personal hygiene products, toys, household chemicals, educational books, etc. Assistance was provided to 50,000 infants.

Again, in cooperation with German companies, the BGV Charity Fund completed a project to renovate the Levko Revutsky Bucha Art School, damaged by the shelling of a neighboring aggressor country. The project included renovating the facade and communication systems, repairing classrooms and concert halls, purchasing equipment for art classes, and purchasing musical instruments for a brass band.

Two years of BGV Charity Fund activity in numbers:

  • Engaged about 40 partners;
  • Received 227.4 million hryvnias for projects;
  • Executed 30 comprehensive projects;
  • Distributed 60,000 food kits;
  • Delivered 373 truckloads of essential items worth 671.3 million hryvnias;
  • Sent about 60,000 parcels for babies;
  • Provided 90 million hryvnias to support the military.

Overall, the BGV Charity Fund has provided about 200,000 recipients with necessary assistance during two years of operation. This achievement has been made possible through the team's coordinated actions, partner support, and the involvement of caring volunteers in charity projects and initiatives. We thank everyone for their contribution to the cause of charity in Ukraine during the war. We continue working to support even more people in need.

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