Photo: Facebook / "North" Operational Command
Rubryka reports, citing the "North" Operational Command, that the military is collaborating with civilian builders and engineers.
"Construction work on fortification has been ongoing for several months along the border of Chernihiv region. Defensive lines are being built, and a system of engineering barriers is being created. Intermediate defense points are also being established," said the command.
Photo: Facebook / "North" Operational Command
Photo: Facebook / "North" Operational Command
Photo: Facebook / "North" Operational Command
Military officials assured that the existing fortifications would significantly slow down any potential Russian advancement in case of another offensive.
Photo: Facebook / "North" Operational Command
"The situation along the northern border remains stable. The situation is under control," said the command.
Photo: Facebook / "North" Operational Command
Photo: Facebook / "North" Operational Command
Photo: Facebook / "North" Operational Command
Photo: Facebook / "North" Operational Command
About the construction of fortifications
Given the shortage of artillery ammunition, Ukrainian defenders need well-equipped fortifications, as the Ukrainian army has largely switched to defense across all fronts.
Last fall, the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ministry of Defense established a joint working group on the construction of fortifications.
To ensure the pace of construction of new defensive lines, this month, the Cabinet of Ministers allocated ₴788.8 million from the state budget reserve fund. This funding will be used to purchase vehicles and engineering equipment.
Previously, Ukrainian military personnel have showcased the process of constructing defensive structures and barriers along the north bordering the Russian Federation.
It has also been reported that the Ukrainian Defense Forces have begun accelerated construction of defensive positions on several fronts.
Additionally, round-the-clock work is underway in the southeastern Zaporizhzhia region to manufacture "dragon's teeth" — barrier pyramids that aid in defense against the enemy.
On the right bank of the de-occupied part of the southern Kherson region, defensive fortifications have been arranged so that Russian invaders have no chance of even approaching them.
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