Photo: CCIFU
The contest marks its 6th consecutive year, Rubryka reports, citing the statement.
What's the problem?
In today's society, women often face challenges in realizing their potential in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship. According to the 2021-2022 research titled "Portrait of Ukrainian Women Entrepreneurs," women frequently encounter biased attitudes toward their work due to their gender.
As First Lady Olena Zelenska highlighted, Ukrainian women have been actively involved in various economic sectors during the Russian invasion. However, there remains a disparity in wages between women and men.
An increasing number of women are also starting their own businesses amid the realities of the ongoing war, and they are leading them as competently as men.
What's the solution?
The "Created by Women" competition was initiated in 2019 by the committee of business ladies of the Franco-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIFU), and it has been held for six years in a row. The award aims to support and develop female entrepreneurship in Ukraine, promote gender equality, and contribute to sustainable economic growth.
How does it work?
The award winner will receive ₴150,000 for the development of their business, membership in the Franco-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and a trip to Paris.
Apart from the main prize, finalists will receive special awards from the Franco-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, from ₴25,000 to ₴100,000, and consultation support from partner companies.
To participate, you need to register on the website, create a project presentation, and develop a business plan.
Organizers urge applicants to submit their applications by March 24, 2024, 23:59, and stand a chance to win 150,000 for business development and a trip to Paris.
In related news, the Ukrainian educational project STEM is FEM is creating the first STEM ecosystem in Ukraine, which brings together organizations, people, and ideas that promote education and careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
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