Spanish Interministerial Council for Trade says the tanks will be prepared before shipment at the Santa Barbara Sistemas plant in Alcalá de Guadaira in Seville.
The terms of repair and delivery of the tanks to Ukraine have not yet been disclosed.
"This new batch of materials may be directly related to the visit of a delegation from the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine to Spain last week for talks with representatives of industry and the Ministry of Defense."
Spanish Trade Minister Xianu Mendez said that the materials being transferred to Ukraine are a necessary, priority and important weapon to fight Russia.
The state supplied the Ukrainian forces with ten combat vehicles of this type, so the total amount of military aid allocated since the beginning of the all-out war has already amounted to €190 million.
Spain sent the first six Leopard tanks to Ukraine in early April last year. The last four Leopard tanks, which have not yet been delivered, as well as ten armored personnel carriers, trucks, all-terrain vehicles and ambulances were sent to Ukraine.
Some European countries have decided to provide Ukraine with Leopard 2 and Leopard 1 tanks as part of their military assistance. The allies promised to provide two battalions of Leopard 2 tanks (about 60 units).
In early October, Poland had handed over a batch of repaired Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine.
The German defense ministry announced that a batch of Leopard 1 tanks and other equipment for the front line would arrive in Ukraine in the coming days.
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