Ukraine’s Dnipro City unveils advanced rehabilitation center for veterans

Ukraine's east-central city of Dnipro welcomed a powerful rehabilitation center where soldiers, as well as civilians, can recover after severe injuries, traumas, and illnesses. 

Rubryka reports on the opening, citing the statement of the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, Serhii Lysak.

What's the problem?

Ukraine has been at war with a cunning enemy, the aggressor country Russia, for over ten years and has been in conditions of full-scale war for more than two years. The Ukrainian military has been defending its country throughout all these years, sacrificing their own health and even lives.

During intense battles, Ukrainian soldiers sustain severe injuries, for which, after treatment and surgeries, they require rehabilitation.

The full-scale war also harms civilians, who also need recovery under the supervision of professional rehabilitation specialists.

What's the solution?

A powerful rehabilitation center has been opened to support Ukrainian defenders and civilians toward recovery after severe injuries, traumas, and illnesses.

"We did it! Almost six months of work. And finally, we launched a powerful rehabilitation center. It's in one of the medical institutions in Dnipro," said Lysak with joy.

How does it work?

The head of the regional administration explained that the center occupies a space of 5,000 square meters. It consists of large halls for classes, areas for individual work with patients, and comfortable wards.

Photo: Telegram / Serhii Lysak / Dnipropetrovsk State Administration

Photo: Telegram / Serhii Lysak / Dnipropetrovsk State Administration

The center allows both military personnel and civilians to "go through their recovery process," said Lysak.

Photo: Telegram / Serhii Lysak / Dnipropetrovsk State Administration

Photo: Telegram / Serhii Lysak / Dnipropetrovsk State Administration

"After severe injuries, traumas, illnesses. From examination and treatment plan development to regaining movements and lost skills. Mental health and adaptation to new realities," said the head of the region.

Photo: Telegram / Serhii Lysak / Dnipropetrovsk State Administration

Lysak clarified that the center employed a team of real professionals and purchased modern simulators and equipment.

Photo: Telegram / Serhii Lysak / Dnipropetrovsk State Administration

"We implemented the project at the expense of the regional budget. Sponsors took on a significant part. We won't stop at this because the direction is important. Proof of this is the numbers. Only last year, over 32,000 Ukrainians underwent physical and psychological rehabilitation in the region," said Lysak.

Rubryka has previously reported on several Ukrainian projects that support the mental health of Ukrainians using music therapy. Read more about the power of drums, a music circle, and feeling like a soloist in our article: "Music Therapy: How Playing Musical Instruments Helps Recovery (Even for Those Who Can't Play)."

The Ukrainian company Advin has developed a medical VR simulator for rehabilitation, which is designed to help military and civilians with amputated limbs cope with phantom pains.

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