"The realistic and meticulous training by the Canadian forces members deployed to Poland on Operation UNIFIER provides the warriors of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the skills they will need to handle various situations as they repel the invaders," Canadian Training Mission UNIFIER said on Х.
Under Operation UNIFIER, Canadian military personnel have trained over 40,000 Ukrainian servicemembers since 2015.
Ukrainian soldiers' training abroad
A coalition of partners from 34 countries is organizing training events for the Ukrainian Armed Forces abroad. These countries include the United States, the United Kingdom, most European Union countries, Canada, Norway, Australia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Georgia, Moldova, and Albania.
France alone has trained nearly ten thousand Ukrainian servicemembers since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
30,000 Ukrainian troops who underwent training in the United Kingdom were also provided with necessary front-line equipment by the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom.
As part of the training operation, instructors from Australia assisted Ukrainian servicemembers in practicing proactive actions during the passage of the psychological barrier amid dense forests.
Under the guidance of Danish instructors, Ukrainian military personnel are undergoing training in positional combat operations, including preparation, seizure, and retention of positions.
Moreover, Ukrainian combat medics are being trained in Canada with added special effects.
As of November 21, 2023, more than 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers have completed intensive training in training centers of over 30 partner countries.
Under the EU Mission for the Provision of Military Assistance to Ukraine (EUMAM), 60,000 Ukrainian troops will undergo training in the territories of EU member states by the end of this summer.
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