Ukraine and NATO launch strategic review of defense order

This week, a conference is set to take place in Luxembourg, where Ukraine and NATO will launch a new level of partnership. They aim to enhance defense procurement procedures and streamline this crucial process, making it more efficient, transparent, and reliable.

The North Atlantic Alliance reports this.

"A conference that will mark a new phase in the partnership between NATO and Ukraine will occur in Luxembourg this week. Delegates from NATO and Ukraine will meet to discuss modernizing the Ukrainian defense procurement process to make it faster, more stable, and more transparent. Stacey Cummings, General Manager of the NATO Support and Supply Agency, will open the conference. Speakers include Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Klymenkov and NATO Assistant Secretary General for Operations Tom Goffus," the message reads.

As noted, improving conditions for defense orders remains a top priority for Ukraine.

NATO has an obligation to support Ukraine in this process and to ensure its compliance with the best practices in this area applied in the Alliance.

"NATO will continue to support Ukraine to the maximum extent possible and at every stage," the published information emphasizes.

The review of the strategic defense order at the Ukraine-NATO level is part of the Comprehensive Assistance Package, adopted by the Allies in 2016 to increase Ukraine's capabilities to protect its security and implement large-scale reforms. Such a review is carried out under the leadership of Norway, at the request of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, and with the participation of leading specialists of the Alliance and the NATO Support and Supply Agency.

The purpose of such efforts is:

  • to help Ukraine in reforming the defense order system,
  • to increase responsibility, transparency, and interoperability of related processes on Ukraine's path to NATO membership in the future.

A joint conference this week in Luxembourg is launching the first phase of the review of the defense order. During this event, working groups will be formed, and political recommendations will be developed in the field of defense order reform, which will be adopted during the Washington Summit in July of this year.

It is noted that achieving high standards in the field of defense procurement is an essential component of defense reform. Its purpose is to increase the combat capability of Ukraine's armed forces, provide them with everything necessary to fight against the Russian invaders and move towards full interoperability with the forces of the North Atlantic Alliance.

For reference:

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg noted that Ukraine is now closer to NATO membership than ever before. This shows the strategic mistake of the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, which he made by invading the country.


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