Softline, one of the largest Microsoft distributors in Russia, confirmed receiving a warning about the suspension of access to cloud services, Rubryka reports.
"GC Softline warns about possible functional limitations in the operation of cloud products and services from Microsoft, Amazon, and Google," the company said.
According to letters from copyright holders that the company received, access to cloud products such as (including, but not limited to) Power BI, Dynamics CRM, and others will be suspended.
"We expect that the suspension will also affect cloud solutions containing these products," Softline added.
The 12th sanctions package set these restrictions on Russia on December 19, 2023. It limits the supply of business intelligence (BI), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and other software to Russia.
For Russian companies, this means that it will be impossible to use these products or access the data contained in them.
The American corporation Microsoft sent a letter to Russian companies stating that from March 20, 2024, it will close access to its cloud products for Russian organizations.
What we know about the EU's 12th sanctions package
The EU introduced the 12th package of sanctions against Russia in late December 2023. It includes, among other things, a ban on the supply of machines that can be used for arms production. The EU also bans the import of liquid propane, iron, copper, aluminum wire, foil, and pipes.
The key point of the package remains the embargo on Russian diamonds from January 1, 2024. The EU also plans to gradually ban the import of Russian diamonds that have been processed in third countries.
Also, 29 organizations supporting Russia's military-industrial complex in its war against Ukraine have been added to the sanctions list.
Some belong to third countries and are involved in circumventing trade restrictions, and some are Russian organizations involved in developing, producing, and supplying electronic components for Russia's military-industrial complex.
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