United to win: Belgium to deliver 300 LMV armored vehicles and train crews for Ukraine’s fleet

Belgium is preparing a military aid package for Ukraine worth 412 million euros, which will include 300 LMV armored vehicles.

Shephard Media reported that.

In addition to multi-purpose armored vehicles, Belgium plans to help Ukraine with mine trawls.

"The new initiative of military aid, implemented jointly by Belgium and the Netherlands, became part of the BELEUX cooperation, the purpose of which is to increase the military potential of Ukraine," the article says.

The newspaper writes that Belgium will provide basic training, and the Netherlands will provide on-the-job training for the crews of Ukrainian minesweepers.

Belgium also promised to provide military aid to Ukraine in the total amount of 611 million euros in 2024. It is reported that about half of this amount was allocated for additional artillery ammunition.

Photo: live.staticflickr.com

The Iveco LMV is an Italian-made army multi-purpose armored vehicle.

Developed by the team of designers of the Iveco Defense Vehicles company, the first of ten prototypes was produced in 2001.

The vehicle can be equipped with various machine gun weapons, particularly remotely controlled on a Protector RWS type module.

Belgian Defense Minister Ludivine Dedonder stated that Belgium will continue providing military and financial assistance to Ukraine, but will not send its troops to the front.

For reference:

In late February, Belgian Defense Minister Ludivine Dedonder announced that her country would join a coalition to purchase artillery shells that the Czech Republic found in an unnamed country.

It was also reported that Ukraine and Belgium plan to establish joint weapons production.

Last January, Belgium approved €90 million in aid, including missiles and small arms.

On June 16, the Council of Ministers of Belgium approved the fifteenth package of military aid for Ukraine.

Earlier it was reported that Belgium will create a special fund for Ukraine in the amount of 1.7 billion euros. It will be filled with taxes from Russian assets frozen in Belgium.

Ukraine also received a batch of M113 armored vehicles from three European countries, including Belgium.

In addition, in December, Belgian Defense Minister Ludivine Dedonder confirmed the country's intentions to transfer F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine in 2025.

Also, the Belgian authorities will transfer more than 600 million euros of military aid to Ukraine. This amount is interest from frozen Russian assets.



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