We remind you that on March 25 the call for proposals from tech SMEs, startups and scaleups for the following programmes is coming to an end:
Moreover, the second wave of applications for the Business and Innovation Services programme is open until 20 May, with grants of up to €10,000 to purchase the following services:
If you are planning to apply for the Business and Innovation Services programme, follow the next recommendations:
Cost estimate
✔️ be sure to include a budget that for one of the 6 services offered (Business Consulting, IPR and Patent Analysis, Market Analysis/Validation, Internationalization Services, Portfolio Management and Investor Relations, and Planning and digital tools for (equity) crowdfunding campaigns;
✔️ include procurement costs in the budget;
✔️ do not include expenses for equipment/components, etc;
✔️ make sure that the cost item for services corresponds to the price specified in the Offer.
An Offer is a mandatory requirement for receiving a grant, so we recommend that you choose a service provider carefully. When requesting an offer from potential providers, please pay attention to the following:
✔️ the offer should strictly correspond to the services provided by the grant;
✔️ the cost of the services should be clearly stated and coincide with the amount specified in the Cost estimate;
✔️the Оffer should be official: if it is a document, then the signature and seal of the service provider should be included, if it is a presentation, the date, contacts and e-mail address of the service provider should be included;
* Offer in the form of a WORD document or a screenshot is not considered official.
Completeness of the proposal
Please check that all documents are attached before submitting the full proposal.
In addition to financial support, all programmes are designed to propel the selected projects to the next level by providing them with the necessary mentorship, resources, and opportunities to network with European stakeholders.
In total, the project can attract up to €60,000.
Guide for applicants: https://getonepass.eu/opportunities/uaseed
Apply: https://seedsofbravery.eu/
🖇 Funded by the European Union, under the European Innovation Council (EIC). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them. The UASEEDs project has received funding from the Horizon Europe Framework Programme under grant agreement No 101104445
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