Photo: odeskaODA
March 16 has been declared a day of mourning in the city, Rubryka reports, citing a statement by Oleh Kiper, the head of the Odesa Regional State Administration.
"Fourteen people, including local residents, a medic, and a rescuer, were killed in the Russian missile attack," he said.
Photo: odeskaODA
He also stated that 46 people were injured, including seven members of the State Emergency Service.
"All necessary assistance is being provided to the victims. All relevant services are working to eliminate the consequences of the enemy attack. Law enforcement officers are documenting another Russian crime. Tomorrow, mourning will be declared in Odesa and the region," Kiper added.
Photo: odeskaODA
What we know about Russian rocket strike on Odesa on March 15
An air raid alert was declared in the region at 11:01. A powerful explosion occurred in Odesa at 11:04, after which the Air Force reported a missile heading toward the city. Subsequently, another explosion was heard in the city.
As of 12:44, the attack reportedly killed a paramedic and an emergency services worker. Emergency services arrived to provide assistance to the victims after the initial strike and explosion when Russian forces inflicted another rocket attack on the scene. Some medical and rescue workers are severely wounded.
The city authorities reported that educational institutions had informed that all children who were in schools and kindergartens at the time of the attack were safe.
Photo: odeskaODA
Photo: odeskaODA
Photo: odeskaODA
Photo: odeskaODA
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