
Solutions to win: Lviv citizens get free tickets to cultural events by donating blood

Western city of Lviv has launched the second "Filling Up" campaign calling on blood donation in exchange of free tickets to concerts and museums.

What is the problem?

Donation is a valuable act of help for wounded civilians in Russian attacks. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the need for blood of any group has increased significantly.

"We never have enough blood. When we held such a campaign last year, we noticed that donors felt special attention when receiving gifts and donated more blood. As this campaign is even bigger, we hope that even more people will come to blood banks and become donors," said Ihor Horbal, head of the medical unit at the Lviv Regional Blood Service Center.

The campaign aims to draw attention to the need for blood for wounded soldiers and civilians. For cultural institutions, this initiative is a way to thank donors for donating blood.

"Blood donation is an incredibly important thing, but unfortunately, not everyone realizes it. I have already been demobilized due to age, but I have seen my comrades die of blood loss because they did not have time to receive a donor blood transfusion. In civilian life, we can take care of our soldiers, so I urge everyone to join this initiative," said Oleksii Kravchuk, director of the local theater and a soldier.

What is the solution?

The campaign started on March 14, the Day of the Ukrainian Volunteer and will bring together about 40 cultural institutions in Lviv.

 "Filling Up" is a response to the need for blood in city blood banks. Cultural figures decided to unite to promote the culture of blood donation, because almost everyone can do it," said Yulia Khomchyn, author of the campaign.

How does it work?

Donors who donate blood in Lviv during the month will have the opportunity to visit one of the museums, theaters, galleries, concert halls or even nature reserves in the city and region.

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