The commission is concerned about the continued use of explosive weapons in civilian areas. The number of such attacks indicates a pattern of disregard by the Russian forces for possible harm to the civilian population.
As of February 15, 2024, according to OHCHR, 8,898 people were killed and 18,818 injured in such attacks. The actual number is likely higher.
The Commission concluded that the fighting in Mariupol and the siege of the city at the beginning of the full-scale war had an extremely serious impact on the civilian population.
Satellite imagery showed the total destruction of entire city districts, with 15,555 structures affected (831 destroyed, 5,877 severely damaged and 8,847 moderately damaged), but the actual damage was much greater.
Residents described the unbearable suffering they endured during the shelling and aerial bombardment.
Civilians saw corpses lying scattered on the streets and in the ruins of their own homes. The data obtained by the commission indicate that at least 58 medical infrastructure facilities and 11 power plants were damaged or destroyed in Mariupol.
"We are concerned about the scope, duration and gravity of the violations and crimes investigated by the commission, as well as their impact on victims and affected communities," said Commission Chair Erik Møse.
The new evidence confirms the commission's previous findings that the practice of torture of civilians by the Russian authorities in Ukraine is widespread and systematic.
The investigations also revealed further evidence of the illegal transfer of children to Russian-controlled territories.
The report documented cases of rape and other sexual violence committed against women and girls in circumstances that also amounted to torture.
The commission also declares the illegal seizure of cultural property by the Russian authorities in the occupied Ukrainian territories.
The report defines importance of ensuring that perpetrators are identified and brought to justice. Bringing the perpetrators to justice is crucial, but it is equally important to address the needs of the victims.
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